Every so often when I go out with friends, I'd lean over to my best friend, point to a woman carrying a Louis Vuitton Speedy, and say "God, that is sooo fake- it's definitely not made in one piece." My friend swivels her head to look and then we share a knowing glance. I know, we're brutal, but I honestly don't understand why women buy bags that are obvious knockoffs.
That is until I saw this Balenciaga knockoff from Bauhaus. If you've read my previous posts, you would have noticed my ongoing obsession with the Balenciaga bag. Unfortunately, I just can't justify buying a thousand dollars purse no matter how gorgeous. It just makes my heart stop to see this replica cost only $25. I really want it when it's so reasonably priced. Sure, any fashionista or Balenciaga follower can tell it isn't real, but it's still slouchy, studded perfection. Sure it may not be real leather, but I've been to Neiman Marcus and felt up the bag and the real thing isn't buttery soft either.
In the battle between real vs. fake, my lust for Balenciaga-esque bag is winning. But women carrying faux status symbols still rubs me the wrong way- because it makes no sense to buy something that screams 'I have money,' but when people look closely, it really screams 'I don't have money.' I think I might buy the knockoff anyway but only carry it around friends who don't know what's Balenciaga and therefore not know it's a knockoff.
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