Ever since I saw Rumi with three different Balenciaga bags, it has become my dream bag. I long for, I crave it, I even told my mom I want that bag for my graduation present. Actually I want multiple, but that's not easy considering a medium sized Balenciaga bag is about $1,000.

A little more in the more affordable range is this Foley + Corinna tote that looks so roomy and chic. The F+C Mid City tote is only $444. I've been trying to find knock offs but I had no luck in China, and the Nine West version was still $100+. I may eventually buy this bag because it has the instant cool factor that goes with any outfit.

Finally there's the Aldo Vigorendena, the most affordable option at $60. I like the silver one Rumi has, but Aldo only has brown versions right now that I think are blah.
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