Saturday, August 23, 2008

China Trinkets

During summer vacation, I took a trip to China to visit relatives. I didn't really get a chance to visit the touristy sites (except for the Olympic stadiums and the new Beijing Performing Arts Center), but we entertain ourselves quite well. We sung karaoke, watched a variety show, ate huge banquets, got massages, and went shopping (my favorite activity).

My grandma loves little trinkets so she took me to this mall that was more like an indoor market. Inside were hundreds (literally!) of makeshift stalls that sold everything from keychain charms to ceramic bowls to fake leather purses. My grandma and my aunt are ruthless bargainers so I pointed to what I liked and they did the talking. Here are pictures of all the little things I bought in China.

My grandma loves these- they are embroidered purses placed inside

each other in decreasing size, kind of like Russian nested dolls.

Lots of pearly jewelry in pink and white

These cell phone charms are adorable!

A close friend of mine collects piggies and her favorite color is yellow.

When I saw this, I thought of her.

I bought lots of cheap pendants and earrings.

I have a certain weakness for glass and this wing shaped one was stunning. I had to have it!

This was a present from my cousin. She said that most Chinese girls in their twenties have gold zodiac charms. Since it's year of the rat, I chose a cute little mouse.

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