Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Safety Pin Takes Center Stage

Safety pins have been relegated to the backstage in fashion. When there's a gaping hole between two buttons because your button-up shirt is just a little too tight around the chest area, you use a safety pin. When your bra strap keeps showing, you safety pin it to the shirt. The safety pin is meant to temporarily fix but not meant to be seen. Lately, I have found safety pins to be more than utilitarian, but actually stylish. The unsung hero of fashion is finally getting it's turn in the lime light.

Top to bottom:
1) Stolen Girlfriends Club white minidress- image source Fashion Toast
2) Ongwat Jewelry Pin Me Necklace
3) Image source- Sartorialist
4) Sou Brette Jewelry Hexagon Pendant
5) Bodhi Safety Clutch- image source Gilt
6) The Docent Safety Bracelet

It's interesting how different people have used the same objects. Some looks were rock and roll, others were gothic, and others exuded glamour and elegance. One thing is consistent; they all made a statement- 'don't overlook the the safety pin.'

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